Using Design Proposal Template

No matter if you are a graphic designer or a website designer, you’re going to have to pitch to potential clients. You’ll need to wow them in order to beat out the competition, making yourself stand out among other designers and agencies. So how do you do that? One of the most effective ways to stand out is to create a killer design proposal. A design proposal is an effective way to connect with clients and tell them what they can expect from your work. If you do this regularly enough, a design proposal template could come in very handy for you.

design proposal template

Why is a Design Proposal So Effective?

It seems like no one else is doing it. Lobbing an estimate via email seems to be the norm now, so taking the time to create something presentable can go a long way for landing work with a client. Since no one else is doing it, you immediately get their attention. It says a lot about you and your business.

It Shows You’re Organized

Depending on how well your proposal is designed, it can show you are well organized, and that you know how to professionally handle a business project.

It shows that clients are worth something to you

Sending in a professional design proposal shows that you actually care about the business. You’ve taken the time to provide a quality evaluation of the project, what is expected of you, and how you plan to handle it. Sending this to a client shows that you’re not in it just for a quick payday.

It shows that you pay attention to details

When you lay out an entire project from start to finish, it shows that you take every project seriously. You focus on the details and you go the extra mile, which is essential to success.

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It helps you pre-plan and game plan a project

When you take the time to write everything out, you are planning the project ahead of time. You have written out a playbook that you can follow in order to get the results your client is looking for.

You can show of some design skills, too.

A great design proposal will be well designed. It should have a look that is consistent with your brand, while making you look like a rock star. The design proposal should be easy to follow, and make the client want to look it over. Putting a little extra polish on your proposal makes your work seem more valuable. Remember the phrase, “Its not the quantity, but the quality.” That idea certainly applies here.

Why Use a Design Proposal Template?

Using a design proposal template will lay the ground work for future projects. If you have a solid starting point already laid out, all you have to do is fill in the missing information. Plan out what you’re going to do, when you’re going to do it, as well as how much it will cost and why. When a client looks at a bird’s eye view of a project and all of the costs involved, it will be hard to argue about the price.

Most of the proposals you’ll send in are going to be similar. You’ll talk about what problem you’re going to solve, how long it will take, why you’re doing it that way, and how much it will cost.


A design proposal can go a long way in getting you more work. Potential clients will see the craftsmanship that goes into your work, realizing you’re a cut above the rest. Set up a design proposal template for your business and get started with sending out proposals for new work. Do you use design proposals in your office? If so, how effective are they? I’d love to hear what you have to say. Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

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