It’s no secret that every business needs a website, no matter what industry you’re in. You have several options when deciding how you are going to build a website for your business. You can hire an expensive agency and pay outrageous agency prices for a custom built, high quality website. You can also try to build it yourself by learning how to code, or learning a website platform. You can also use a WYSIWYG website builder, where you create a website without knowing how to code. While the Wix website builder is a great choice for building a website, you may not have the time or desire to g through the process yourself. Another option is the completely hands off approach, where you can hire a designer to build a website for you, called Wix Arena.

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What is Wix Arena?

Wix Arena is an online marketplace where designers use the Wix platform to design a custom website for their business. You can browse different designers and their work, and you can contact one whose work you like and think best fits your preferred style. You can also let Wix find one for you by filling out a simple form. Wix will then match you with a designer that meets your requirements and can build a website that meets your business needs.

Why should I hire a designer for my project?

If you’re a busy business owner, and you want a well designed website delivered to you, instead of going through the process of building it yourself, the Wix Arena may be a good choice for you. Also, if you are nervous about making good color choices, photo selections, or you aren’t sure what type of website you need, a designer can help with all of that. Essentially, a designer can be your guide through the website process, steering you through all of the choices, styles and features of a website.

wix arena designers

About Wix Arena Designers

There are hundreds of designers who are comfortable with the Wix platform, all with different styles and techniques. Finding the right one for your business can make your website much more successful. You can filter the selection of designers by language and location, making it easy to find someone you will be comfortable working with.

wix arena designer request form

The criteria for finding a designer with Wix is a range of qualifying questions that helps them to determine what is right for you. You’ll be asked the preferred location of the designer, the language the website will be in, and what type of website you will need. You’ll also answer questions about the industry of your website, and your budget. You can also set a due date, and you can enter in any special details about what you will need from your website. The form also asks if you have certain important existing elements, such as a logo, an existing website, or a Facebook page.

A completely hands off approach to your website may be the right solution for your business. This is especially true if you can’t find the time to sit down and build the website yourself, even with Wix’s quick, powerful platform and website templates.

Below is a few examples of Wix Arena Portfolios:

wix arena designer portfoloio 4 wix designer portfolio example 3 wix designer portfolio 2 designer portfolio 1

A Designer in your corner

Having a designer in your corner to handle everything is important. They will make sure that the website built for you is right for your business. Even with templates and premade designs, you still may not make the optimum choices when it comes to design, layout, and structure of your website. The right colors and design can make all the difference when building a professional level website. Imagery is essential, too. Designers are trained to work with stock photography and make the most from graphics and images to match your brand.

A professional designer can also help to make user experience a priority. If users have a bad experience on your website, they may leave and never come back. If your e-commerce section or shopping cart doesn’t function properly, you could miss out on valuable sales and revenue.

Designers also know when to use effects and what effects to use on a website to enhance the user experience. Effects like parallax scrolling, images and text that slide and fade in are great, but if you use them at the wrong time or place it can hurt the user experience instead of enhancing it.

All of this will be handled by your Wix designer, meaning that you can focus 100% on your business and making it successful, knowing that your preferred designer is building your website with Wix. You can build any type of website, from an e-commerce store, to a blog, portfolio, hotel website, a Photographer’s Photo gallery website, or a landing page.


Building a website for your business doesn’t have to be a scary process. Sometime, all you need is an expert to guide you through the numerous choices. Selecting a designer through Wix Arena is a great way to have a professional website built that is right for your type of business.

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