Typography Examples I love typography and intricate lettering. I just can’t get enough of inspiring typography examples, which can be found all over the web. This is the fifth installment of inspiring typography examples. You’ll see some of the most...
Useful Tools to Identify Fonts Have you ever loved a font style or a typeface in a project, but had no idea what it was? That’s happened to me on several occasions. Part of learning how to use fonts is learning how to identify them. Having tools to help you out...
A New Typeface: Can it be? It’s true, and apparently it’s been in the works for 20 years. Now, I doubt they’d worked on it painstakingly all that time, but it make be something they’ve perfected when they had time. San Francisco is...
Free Fonts Each week I like to share something cool from the world of typography. The past couple weeks of shared great examples of inspiring typography. This week I put together a collection of fresh free fonts for the month of November 2014. There are a variety of...
Quality Grunge Fonts If you caught my post from Friday, we talked about David Carson and his amazing graphic design work and accomplishments. His work is known the world over, and he found a lot of success from being the father of grunge typography. In celebration of...
Free Thin Fonts Different types of fonts are good for different purposes. Depending on the weight and structure, it can fit specific projects better than others. Thin fonts are great for a wide variety of projects. They are great for adding a touch of elegance. They...