Why Hierarchy is Important to Design

Why Hierarchy is Important to Design

Hierarchy Is Control When you look at any form of art, whether it is a traditional artist’s work, or it’s a professional design, it has a path that you naturally follow as you look over it. How does your eye know where to go next? It really doesn’t....
The Similarity Design Principle

The Similarity Design Principle

Similarity Design Principle The Closure Design Principle, The Proximity Design Principle, The Alignment Design Principle, and Continuation Design Principle have been covered in the past few weeks. What’s great about all of these principles is that they all work...
The Continuation Design Principle

The Continuation Design Principle

Continuation Design Principle In the past couple if weeks, I’ve covered the closure design principle and the proximity design principle. This week, we’re talking about the continuation design principle. The continuation design principle means that the...